- П-327
subj-compl with быть» (subj: human
pres only
fixed WO
(in refer, to personality traits, behaviors etc, often negative ones) s.o. is very similar to another (named or implied) persontwo or more persons are very similar to each otherX и Y одного поля ягоды - X and Y are birds of a featherX and Y are two of a kind X and Y are tarred with the same brush X and Y are cast in the same mold X and Y are of the same ilk (stripe)Neg X - не нашего поля ягода - X is cast in a different mold (from us)X is of a different breed (from us) X is a bird of a different feather (from us).Понимает она хоть капельку Ирунчика или нисколько? Одного они с нею поля ягоды или с разных планет? (Залыгин 1). Had she an ounce of understanding for Irunchik, or none at all? Were they birds of a feather, or were they from different planets? (1a).(Платонов:) Это подобие твоё разница только в том, что он умней тебя... Одного поля ягоды... (Чехов 1). (Р:) ...He's the same as you, except for having more sense....You're both tarred with the same brush... (1b).Антонина Николаевна:) Я с удовольствием вышла бы замуж за богатого, честного человека, но где такой? Они - не нашего поля ягода (Розов 3). (A.N.:) I would be delighted to marry a rich, honest man, but where is there one? They are birds of a different feather from us (3a).
Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. С.И. Лубенская. 2004.